Ajuntament de Sant Celoni

Oficina de Turisme Can Ramis - Pl. de la Vila, 25  |  08470 Sant Celoni  | Tel. 93 867 01 71

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11. Park of the Rectoria Vella

  • Títol 11. Parc dela Rectoria Vella (en)

  • 11. Parc de la Rectoria Vella

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  • This beautiful garden surrounds the buildings that form the original centre of the village (Sant Martí de Pertegàs and the Rectoria Vella), making it one of the most pleasant places in Sant Celoni. The garden was designed in 1920, when the Rectoria Vella was a summer place and it was refurbished in 2000.

    The church that you can see on the right is the old parish church of the town and there are documents mentioning it in the 11th century. Originally Romanesque, it was enlarged considerably in the 14th century to adapt to the needs of a growing town, adding two naves and side chapels.

    In the Diocesan Museum of Barcelona, you can see the central carving of the 14th century altarpiece from the altar of Sant Vicenç, attributed to Ramon Destorrents, from the original parish church of Sant Martí de Pertegàs. The top section of the altarpiece of Santa Anna, Sant Bartomeu and Santa Magdalena, made in the 15th century by Jaume Huguet is preserved in the National Museum of Art of Catalonia.

    The decadence of the chapel of Sant Martí de PertIn commenced in 1703, when the parish was moved to the current church of Sant Martí and only the original Romanesque nave has survived. The building on your left, the Rectoria Vella, is a good example of a civil gothic 15th century house. Rectangular in plan, almost square, built around a central patio, where there is a beautiful window with slender gothic columns. It was the residence of the rector and the priests in charge of the religious ceremonies in Sant Martí de Pertegàs.

    Today, in the ground floor rooms you can find temporary exhibitions of paintings, sculpture, photography...

    Continuing on the route, leave by the main doorway to the garden and take the Rectoria Vella walkway on the left until you reach the municipal library.

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Ajuntament de sant Celoni

Oficina de Turisme Can Ramis - Pl. de la Vila, 25  08470 Sant Celoni | Horari: dissabtes, diumenges i festius de 10 a 14 h | Tel. 93 867 01 71 | Contacta'ns
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