Ajuntament de Sant Celoni

Oficina de Turisme Can Ramis - Plaça de la Vila, 25  |  08470 Sant Celoni  | Tel. 93 867 01 71

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3. Parish church of Sant Martí

Audioguided route text

3. Església parroquial

You are opposite the Parish church of Sant Martí, a building in the baroque style, which is doubtlessly the most emblematic element of the architectural heritage of Sant Celoni.

Since mediaeval times, the village had been growing along Major street and due to this, it was decided to build a new parish church in the centre, as the old parish church of Sant Martí de Pertegàs, in the Park of the Rectoria Vella, was now too small and far away.

The first stone of the new temple was laid in 1634, after a long delay caused by the war of the Segadors and other incidents.

In 1703, the new church was opened, but it did not acquire its current appearance until 1753, when, as can be seen the date carved into the façade, the doorway was built in finely carved marble from Gualba.

The sgraffito of the façade, the most important in Catalan baroque both for its size as well as its good state of preservation, was finished in 1762 and displays allegorical figures of virtues (faith, hope, charity and justice), archangels, saints, angel musicians, etc., that are laid out on the façade forming a monumental ensemble that was restored in 2003. Another outstanding element of the doorway is the figure of Sant Martí, by the local sculptor Lluís Montané, made in 1953. Inside, you can see another image of Sant Martí, by the same author, the pavilion with a dome, by the architect Francesc Folguera and the murals on the apse by the painter Isidre Roig de Casas, representing different scenes from the life of the saint.

This is a rectangular plan building with an octagonal apse and exterior buttresses, between which there are five chapels on each side.

You can find more detailed information about the church on the monographic leaflet available in the Tourist Office, or by accessing the website.

We will continue the route going down Major street.

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Ajuntament de sant Celoni

Oficina de Turisme Can Ramis - Plaça de la Vila, 25  08470 Sant Celoni | Horari: dissabtes, diumenges i festius de 10 a 14 h | Tel. 93 867 01 71 | Contacta'ns
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