Ajuntament de Sant Celoni

Oficina de Turisme Can Ramis - Pl. de la Vila, 25  |  08470 Sant Celoni  | Tel. 93 867 01 71

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5. Town Square

Audioguided route text

5. Plaça de la Vila

You are in the Town Square, the centre of Sant Celoni where markets, festivals and many other types of events are held.

Due to its importance, different buildings of historical and architectural interest were constructed here, among which we can highlight the Town Hall.

This is an elegant late modernist building from 1926, designed by the municipal architect Josep Domènech i Mansana, who also designed important urban reforms and other municipal buildings such as the Tèrmica or the slaughterhouse.

The Town Hall building has a tiered structure from which the central tower with its clock and iron belfry are outstanding. The central body is sustained by a solid portico with diminished arches. We can highlight the brickwork decoration and large eaves of the roofs.

In the square, you can also find some arcaded houses in the medieval tradition, the vaults were built between the 15th and 16th centuries to hold the market, and were already mentioned in 1157.

The current Hotel Suís, located opposite the Town Hall, was the manor house of the Valls family, important owners of forests in the municipality of Olzinelles. The building was made in 1886 and converted into a hotel in 1924.

On the right of the Town Hall is Can Ramis, a 17th-18th century house bearing the name of its owners. It was reformed in 1950, maintaining many of the original elements, such as the doorway with the family crest. Other elements such as the gallery of basket arches on the second floor, were recovered from a house in in Barcelona.

The building is currently a part of the municipal collection of installations that offer a permanent programme of temporal exhibitions.

Finally, we can highlight the sculpture of Carles Colomo dedicated to the Ball de Gitanes for the 20th dance after the revival of this popular tradition.

The Ball de Gitanes, documented in 1767, is a typical dance in Vallès and we can highlight that this dance of Sant Celoni, has music, costumes and exclusive movements. It is danced every Carnival Sunday in this same square.

Continue the route going down the Major street until you arrive at Bestiar square.

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Ajuntament de sant Celoni

Oficina de Turisme Can Ramis - Pl. de la Vila, 25  08470 Sant Celoni | Horari: dissabtes, diumenges i festius de 10 a 14 h | Tel. 93 867 01 71 | Contacta'ns
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