Ajuntament de Sant Celoni

Oficina de Turisme Can Ramis - Plaça de la Vila, 25  |  08470 Sant Celoni  | Tel. 93 867 01 71

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8. La Força tower

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8. Torre de la Força

This medieval architectural element was restored in 2009 after demolishing two houses that were covering it up.

This is a cylindrical tower with a sloping base.

The lower part shows the level of the ground in medieval times, which has raised with the passing of the years when the area was used for vegetable gardens and other buildings.

From inside, we can see that there was no access from the wall to the inside of the building which it is known was accessed from the skylight of the upper part.

When the tower no longer played a defensive role, it was used as a room. On the ground floor there was a stable and on the upper floor, a room.

Once outside the premises, you can see the broken wall, of which we can highlight its thickness of more than 1 metre. It is also possible to observe a splayed window that was used for defence.

The covered space on the right corresponded to the old 19th century stables from which it is possible to access the roof of the tower by climbing some steps.

You can find more detailed information about la Força tower in the monographic leaflet that can be obtained in the Tourist Office or on the Sant Celoni Tourism website.

Once the visit has ended, retrace your steps towards Major street in the direction of Rafael Ferrer square.

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Ajuntament de sant Celoni

Oficina de Turisme Can Ramis - Plaça de la Vila, 25  08470 Sant Celoni | Horari: dissabtes, diumenges i festius de 10 a 14 h | Tel. 93 867 01 71 | Contacta'ns
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