Ajuntament de Sant Celoni

Oficina de Turisme Can Ramis - Plaça de la Vila, 25  |  08470 Sant Celoni  | Tel. 93 867 01 71

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9. Sant Ponç

Audioguided route text

9. Sant Ponç

You are now in Rafael Ferrer square, where you can find the chapel of Sant Ponç, the only remains of the old leprosy hospital of Sant Nicolau that occupied part of the current square, located outside the walls so as to avoid infecting the villagers. This is a good example of popular late 12th or early 13th century Romanesque, restored at different times and which has a nave and a semi circular apse.

We can highlight the exterior buttresses and some rows of carved stone on the walls, following a spiked pattern, a technique known as opus spicatum.

Of the three Romanesque churches there were in the town (the parish church of Sant Martí de Pertegàs, the chapel of Sant Celdoni and the church of Sant Ponç) only the last has survived in its original form, although it is the latest and that of least importance.

Continue on the route that will take you to Comte Borrell street, on the left of the chapel and which goes down to the Pertegàs walkway. Once there, take the path on the left until you arrive at the Rectoria Vella.

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Ajuntament de sant Celoni

Oficina de Turisme Can Ramis - Plaça de la Vila, 25  08470 Sant Celoni | Horari: dissabtes, diumenges i festius de 10 a 14 h | Tel. 93 867 01 71 | Contacta'ns
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